Indiana University History Graduate Student Association
The History Graduate Student Association is an independent, student-run organization that works to build community, provide advocacy, and foster the intellectual development of the history graduate students at Indiana University. We organize events that encourage interaction among the graduate students, and between the faculty and the graduate students. The HGSA also undertakes to represent the interests of graduate students entering the profession of history. This organization is open to all students currently enrolled in the graduate history program at Indiana University. The HGSA is dedicated to serving the needs of history graduate students and fostering community within the history department by sponsoring professional, educational and social programs for both graduate students and for the department as a whole. HGSA also provides a strong voice of advocacy for its members in both departmental and university affairs. In furtherance of these goals, HGSA sponsors a number of annual events and ongoing programs, as well as special events and student initiatives. Annual events and ongoing programs include new student orientation; a brown bag lecture series; the annual HGSA Conference; a fall pizza party and the Winter Soiree (the two biggest events of the department social calendar); and publication of the HGSA newsletter and Web site. In addition to its regular programs, the HGSA organizes occasional special events in connection with faculty searches, visiting scholars, and professional conferences. HGSA also encourages members to initiate their own programs and activities as needed. In recent years, student initiatives have produced a series of funding talks and professional development workshops with faculty representatives, a variety of reading and discussion groups and numerous happy hours and other social occasions. We have also undertaken two consecutive comprehensive surveys of our members in order to begin and maintain a dialogue with the department on the state of graduate education at IU.